
Effortless breath

When I consider the word “breathe” I think about the utility of breath’s function. The lungs take in what is needed for sustenance, the lungs then release that which is no longer of use. Effortlessly.

Taking it a step further I like to expand on that idea. I take in food which for the most part serves me well. The body keeps what is useful (ok and some which is clearly not.) But then it lets out that which the body finds to be useless.

And what do we feed our eyes and minds? Useful or useless? What is the most mindful/heartful way to use time today? I’d be lying if I were to claim that I never use electronic devices because I study, amuse and music my life frequently through the medium. But what about books or conversation with a face or a chat with nature or…just nothing?

At the end of the day I wish to sustain all of me in most wholesome ways for the most part. A dear friend from long ago once said to me “we make choices”. Little did I know I’d be quoting JR here. TY JR.

SO. Is it useful or useless… Make useful choices dear ones, and I hope you will breathe well and effortlessly.  Peaces

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